We are so lucky that George Clooney exists in this world, if it was not for his protesting about genocide in Darfur, who knows, thousands of people would have died. Hold on, wait a minute, thousands of people have died... that must mean... yes, folks, it's hard to admit, but nobody cares about the opinions of actors!
When more than 100 celebrities sent a letter to George Bush in 2002 protesting against the Iraq war, did he take much notice? No, of course he didn't, he probably laughed so hard his cowboy hat fell off and he accidentally invaded another (oil rich) country.
When Sean Penn visited Baghdad to highlight the suffering of the Iraqi people, did it change the opinions of the world's polititians? No, of course if didn't... but it got him in the press (wonder what film he was about to star in).
But wait a minute, surely someone with as much respect as the UK's Poet Laureate, Andrew Motion, can change things through the medium of poetry... don't make me piss myself laughing!
I just wish movie stars, musicians, and other so called celebrities just shut up and get on with what they're good at, rather than trying to change the world... Most of the world doesn't care what you think, and the parts of the world you're talking about have never heard of you. In an effort to cut down on this in the future, there should be a law passed that for a celebrity to have an opinion on a subject, they must experience whatever it is they're complaining about first hand. So, for Clooney to complain about Darfur, we should send him out there for a couple of months... just George, a camera, and a notepad... then when, or rather if, he comes back, maybe I'd listen to him.
The very real problem in Darfur is that the likes of China, Russia, Belarus, and even France are supplying them with arms. Genocides are a little harder to pull off with no weapons.