Sunday, January 28, 2007

Microsoft Takes Bugs Seriously

Microsoft is finally taking bugs in their products seriously.

Oh, if only this was true! ;-)

Wanted for the rape of children

All of the prisons in the UK are now full, so John Reid the Home Secretary has allowed Paedophiles to be the let out on the streets rather than being locked up. What really gets me is that the establishment seem to consider the rape of young children to be a lesser offence than that of listening to somebody's voicemail... they managed to find prison space for 4 months for Clive Goodman, a journo from the News of the World who "hacked" into the mobile phones of the royal family... I doubt any "hacking" was actually involved, and suspect that the voicemail passwords were either set to defaults or just to the owners date of birth.

So next time you hear about the rape of another child by someone who has been let out of prison, send a letter of thanks to Tony Blair and John Reid thanking them for keeping the country safe... as at least your voicemails are secure.

Do you know why the prisons are full? Well, they're full of some of the most dangerous people in the country:

  • Pensioners who refuse to pay the hugely inflated Council Tax

  • People who refuse to pay the state imposed tax on TVs - The Television Licence

  • Climate change demonstrators who refuse to pay fines imposed for protesting against climate change and nuclear weapons.

  • Soldiers that refused to serve in Iraq as they argued the war was illegal.

It's now time for the entire government and civil service to be replaced with individuals who care about the people of Britain... sack the lot of them, and prosecute those who have got us in to this mess. Let's face it, anyone with half a brain cell has gotta be able to do a better job than the shambles we have at the moment.,,30000-1249218,00.html

Friday, October 20, 2006

Sense at Last

It seems that common sense has prevailed at last as teacher Aishah Azmi has lost her case about wearing a veil in school. This is a crazy situation as the veil is nothing more than a religious symbol that creates a barrier in UK society. Aishah has made comment that it does not create a barrier, well sorry love but 99% of Britsh society doesn't agree with you. If you want to wear such a garment then go live in a country where it's more acceptable. This is England and the vast majority of people are against such acts.

Fetch My Gun

The piece of scum that is Peter Voisey has been convicted of taking a six year old from her bath at home, raping her, and then dumping her naked in the snow. This is not the first time he's been convicted of abusing young girls. This country is far too gentle of this sort of scum, he's now going to spend a chunk of his like in prison... and that's a nice cozy British prision with colour TVs, hot food, and heating. The UK tax payer is now going to pay in excess of 35,000 pounds per year to keep this shit behind bars. I've a better solution, give me a gun and a bullet and I'll save the UK tax payer a fortune. Why should the honest UK tax payer cough up cash to keep serial paedophiles alive, when society is better off without them?,,0-1238023,00.html?f=rss

Thursday, October 19, 2006

There is no God

Just as I've always suspected, God is a delusion. In fact in my opinion all "gods" are just imaginary figures invented by humans to explain away something they don't understand. My theory is that the less scientifically advanced a race is, the more religious it is.

The God Delusion @ Amazon

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Crime Pays

Crime certainly does pay in the UK. Criminals in the Whitemoor prison in Cambridgeshire are being paid to play ping-pong and go to the gym. Yes, you read this correctly... while law abiding people have to pay a fortune to go to a gym, prisioners get paid to go. What is this country coming to... these people have been locked away to protect the public and to act as a deterrent... how the hell is this a deterrent? Prisons should be unpleasant places that people don't want to be... these people are criminals, fuck their "human rights", introduce hard labour in prison that benefits the community.,,30000-13547511,00.html

Victim or Gold Digging Ex-Hooker?

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Punishing Voters?

The UK Government are taking a lesson out of Robert Mugabe's guide on how to punish voters that don't support you. If the story in todays Times is anything to go by, it looks like hospitals in areas that do not back the government are being lined up for closure. This is not the only similarity... in 1998 Mugabe had a hand in the war in Congo so that he could have a controlling interest in the diamond mines... Not a million miles away from the situation today in Iraq with Oil. Nice one Tony!,,2-2405932,00.html,,3-1642704,00.html

What do Islamic Ninjas Wear?

Hey religous fanatics... it's a joke. You guys do have a sense of humour don't you?

SPECS are blind!

Our wonderful power crazy government are in the process of rolling out SPECS speed cameras that measure your average speed between between two points, and if that is more than the speed limit they take a picture and nick you! Well, a flaw has been discovered in the SPECS system... it seems that the cameras only work on one lane at a time, so if you move lanes between cameras they cannot track you! This is wonderful news for the much persecuted British motorist... but you have to ask yourselves that how can such a simple thing be overlooked when designing this system. Looks like yet another instance of the Government making a complete fuckup of implementing a computer system, but this time I'm not too mad as it's the public that benefit.

In the meantime, make sure you change lanes between cameras... or just get a motorbike, which doesn't have front number plates! ;-)