Friday, October 13, 2006

This is ENGLAND, we speak ENGLISH!

The world has officially gone mad. A 14 year old girl, Codie Stott, has been arrested for asking to sit with English speaking pupils rather than a bunch of non-English speaking Asian pupils. What has the world come to when a child is arrested for making such a simple request as to ask to sit with people who she can communicate with. The teacher that called the police should be fired and charged with wasting police time, it's ridiculous.

This is ENGLAND, where we speak ENGLISH... what are non-English speakers doing in English schools anyway? Slowing down the learning of the majority of pupils that's what! I'm all for the passing of a law making speaking English a mandatory requirement for entry in the publicly funded school system. In fact, speaking English should be mandatory for anyone wanting to come and settle in this country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Said...